Meal Time – No Screen Time
Way before the Covid 19 pandemic struck, the world population was stuck to another health changing phenomenon – eating in front of a screen! Oh yes, if you are going to say you hardly watch TV, you are still guilty. Here we are referring to all types of...
The Sugar you eat – visibly and invisibly!
Have you ever heard a friend saying “I have given up white sugar, just sticking to brown sugar! “ Let’s do a fact check for you and your friend in one line: Any sugar is sugar, be it white, brown, sulphur-free, unrefined, or even jaggery. Let’s see what exactly sugar...
Is your weighing scale telling you “THE TRUTH?”
When it comes to losing weight, we all want to see the needle of the weighing scale point towards a lower number. That is what we have been conditioned to believe as healthy. Now, ask yourself, is it possible to get thinner without seeing a change in the weighing...