End your day one hour early!

End your day one hour early!

Here is an experiment! End your day one hour early for a week What happens if you don’t? 1. In an urban setting, we tend to extend our day beyond our natural body rhythm 2. This overloads the senses and disturbs the digestion cycle 3. Extending the day eats into our...
Technology Detox!

Technology Detox!

Technology Detox!  Avoid technology devices once a week A tech addict: 1. Using technology continuously can be a source of distraction 2. Think about how restless you get when you are unable to access technological devices 3. Not knowing about the number of likes and...
Learn the names of two Asanas daily!

Learn the names of two Asanas daily!

Learn the names of two asanas daily! Yoga Asana describes the different asanas (postures) practiced in yoga How will it help? Names of asanas are not as difficult as they seem! If you try and remember the names of two asanas, it will add to your repertoire of exercise...
Observe the predominant emotion of the day !

Observe the predominant emotion of the day !

More awareness about emotional changes also helps in the health actions. Emotions are closely related to your motivation for exercise and other health practices. What happens if you don’t? How is emotion and health related? 1. Emotional changes are as much an effect...
Optimize your TALK!

Optimize your TALK!

Optimize your TALK! Try the way of मौन (Silence!) A considerable amount of energy is invested when we talk. Talking expends a great deal of energy, and is closely associated to your intellectual and emotional needs. Although it is necessary to talk, it is also...
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